giovedì 9 febbraio 2023

Jeff Buckley - Eternal Life + Last Goodbye (LIVE)

Eternal life is now on my trailGot my red glitter coffin, man, just need one last nailWhile all these ugly gentlemen play out their foolish gamesThere's a flaming red horizon that screams our names
And as your fantasies are broken in twoDid you really think this bloody road would pave the way for you?You better turn around and blow your kiss hello to life eternal,Angel
Marxist everyman, what have you done?Man, you've made a killer of your unborn sonOh crown my fear your king at the point of a gunAll I want to do is love everyone
And as your fantasies are broken in twoDid you really think this bloody road would pave the way for you?You better turn around and blow your kiss hello to life eternal
There's no time for hatred, only questionsWhat is love, where is happiness, what is life, where is peace?When will I find the strength to bring me release?
Tell me where is the love in what your prophet has said?Man, it sounds to me just like a prison for the walking deadI've got a message for you and your twisted hellYou better turn around and blow your kiss goodbye to life eternalAngel yeahAngel, unh, angel, unh

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