sabato 31 maggio 2014

We'll show you a great perfumer, the biggest creator of fragrances in the world... He cannot sign an autograph for you, because it's a robot (that costs $ 1 million).

Your favorite perfume? Was created by a robot.
Your favorite nose or perfumer? He does not exist.
Your favorite perfume? Was created by a robot.
Your favorite perfume? Was created by a robot.

The Robot costs $ 1 million, but you can rent it! 

That's great ;)! Or not :(?

...over 500 ingredients assembled at the speed of light!

Come nasce un profumo?


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La vita è breve anche in Profumeria, diamo importanza alle cose che contano, per tutto il resto "spazziamo la moneta per quello che vale"...

Sweep the moneda for what it's worth :)

J!cky 2.0