giovedì 7 febbraio 2013

Scoop by Jicky 2.0: Who is the next Art Director of Chanel? Preparing the succession to King Karl (Lagerfeld).

Anne Wintour and Oscar de la Renta made ​​the gesture more meaningful, noble and far-reaching that the fashion world has ever seen since the turbulent ascent, decline, and resurrection of Gabrielle Chanel.

John Galliano was the victim of a vulgar conspiracy! It's a fact. His unique genius is needed and the arrogance of the LVMH group is unjustified and unjustifiable.
And it is now time that Jicky 2.0 will explain to all of you, what we have learned in the fall, from reliable sources inside Vogue America.

Anne Wintour is leading a project to study and analysis the situation of the fashion world for the next decade and for the future: the confidential study group is planning a fundamental change.
Karl Lagerfeld will be replaced at the head of Chanel around 2015 by John Galliano.

Marc Jacobs does not have the talent of Galliano, and to replace Lagerfeld, there's needed someone more brilliant than Tom Ford (evaluated talented but heavily conformist).

At the horizon, as well as Galliano, technicians do not see anyone else better.

Chanel will need plenty of energy, enthusiasm and innovation.
At this time the focus group is evaluating the potential that they can improve in the already high Galliano's ropes, which appears clearly a sort of Messiah of the future of the fashion planet.
The scandal "racist" was (and it is) a misunderstanding ridiculous and vulgar, the perpetrators of the conspiracy, shall humble themselves apologizing to the men and the history.
John is a very good man, very sensitive and terribly clever.

Anne Wintour and De la Renta are blessed by us.

We stand for John Galliano, and for the better future of the brand Chanel.

When King Karl will leave the Crown and the Scepter, certainly we will have a great new King, and a Truly Great Artist.

Text by Jicky 2.0

All Rights Reserved.

Tutti I Diritti Riservati.

5 commenti:

  1. Guardate che il tatino qua, ha in foto il flacone da 60ml, come il mio! Sdoganare!

    1. Era il 2008 e i 3 formati erano giocoforza originale formula. Dal cambio di proprietà sopravvissero solo il formato 40 ml e 60 ml. L'unico modo cieco di prendere il flacone originale giusto è comprare il 90 ml, che i compratori della licenza non vollero rimettere in produzione per timore di invenduto (formato troppo grande prezzo troppo alto).
      In Italia siamo pieni flaconi da 40 e 60 realizzati interamente in Emilia-Romagna.
      Che sono riformulati, e non valgono ovviamente niente ai fini collezionistici.


  2. In effetti.. Il mio è del 2008 Made in saint-denis paris, 60ml, ma sia chiaro! Solo perché ancora non vi conoscevo, altrimenti mai è poi mai mi sarei permessa null'altro che un 90ml!! Sono una di quelle che attendono fedele un sì o un no da voi


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J!cky 2.0